Professional Tips Every Homeowner Should Practice

It’s the holiday season and the last thing any homeowner wants to be forced to deal with is unexpected home repair costs.  Here are five things you can do yourself to keep things working properly at home:

  1. Inspections:  the cost of yearly inspections of your fireplace, sewage pump, etc.. should be built into your budget to thwart big breaks.  Spend a little to save a lot.
  2. Clear snow from your HVAC unit – The outside HVAC units, especially heat pumps, must have a clear area of at least 3′ around the unit. If the unit is covered in snow or ice, it needs to be removed in order for the unit to work properly.
  3. Inspect and clear gutters.  They most likely have a year built up of clogged leaves, debris, etc..  Give your gutters a good rinse with a hose afterward to make sure everything gets flushed out and make sure the water is properly draining away from your home.
  4. Carbon Monoxide: Homes need to be adequately equipped with carbon monoxide detectors as there are many home heating devices that may increase the risks of the toxin from doing harm.
  5. Check your outlets and all electrical holiday decorations for potential fire hazards such as frayed wires or loose connections. Do not overload the outlets, extension cords or surge protectors.

Just a couple quick tips, especially for the holiday season — to save from unwanted, unneeded and unhappy circumstances that can arise from not being proactive in protecting your home!

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